Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Vista loses network connection. AGAIN!

Argg!! It happened again. I lost connection to the Internet thanks to a drop of the TCP/IP stack!! I thought that I had fixed this problem so I typed in

Netsh winsock reset

And I though everything would be OK. WRONG! My previous fix didn’t work!! What the heck? After lot of questions and searching I found this command too

Netsh Int IP reset resetlog.txt

Which resets the IP address or something. And in an instance the connection was up and running again. I’m telling you, Vista has A LOT of way to go before it’s a OS that stands out. Wait! Isn’t that what Windows 7 suppose to be? Hmmmmmm!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chkdsk runs at boot time

And here we are again. I had another problem lately. Something that, again, haven’t seen before. Yes I know, I have LOTS of things not seen before. Why you telling me YOU have seen all of them??

Well, anyways, I had a computer that was constantly doing scandisk at start up. I ran scandisk. Nothing. I ran defrag. Nothing. I downloaded a freeware to scan the disk. Nothing. Oh by the way the program is called Active Hard Disk Monitor from LSoft Technologies Inc. (

I didn’t know what the heck was going on! I read in one webpage that there must be a “dirt” thingy in the drive that causes this problem. “OK”, I said, “let me give a try the following command”.

I opened a command prompt window (with cmd) and typed in “fsutil dirty query d:”, without the brackets, where d: was the drive with the problems. I got an answer that the drive was dirty. “OK”, I said again, “I’ll bring the cleaners to clean it up. No? Won’t work? Something else you say?”.

After erasing that thought from my mind I tried the following command:

chkdsk d: /f /x

It said that the check disk can’t run because the drive can’t be unmounted due to a program using it! What the heck??? Which bloody program? The antivirus was off, no visible activity there! What’s going on?

I remembered then that each drive may have VIRTUAL MEMORY assigned to it. By default only the C drive has, well in mine at least! So I right clicked My Computer, Properties, Advanced, Performance Settings, Advance, Change and voila, the D drive has virtual memory assigned to it. One second after the option for the drive to have virtual memory was unchecked.

Ran the chkdsk command and, you guessed it, no complaints. The procedure ended very quickly. Ran again the fsutil dirty query d: command and the drive was NOT DIRTY ANYMORE! And that was it. Hope this will help you too, o traveler of the weird place called internet.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

iPod touch 16 GB review. A real world investigation.

Yes! Finally! I got it. I bought my first Apple hardware. Although I have seen, and worked, with Apples since I can remember (ahhh the simplicity of the green-colored monitor. Still brings tears to my eyes. It was that tiring to look at!), it's the first time that I had an urge to go an buy it. I am not sure what made me to make my mind up.

Maybe it's the wonderful touch screen or the bright colors or my need to impress everybody around me (so I can fit in as a cool-hip-kinda-of-guy). Never the less my new toy is a beauty to behold. After a couple of days playing around with it I saw a few things that I like and some that I don't like.

1.) My iPod was the version 1-point-something. So I couldn't use all those nice applications that everybody is raving about, and jailbreaking right-left and centre to make it work. I didn't want to stuff-up my iPod so I decided to pay and download the new update 2.0. So far so good. The update costs about 10 USD and you can buy with credit card or a iTunes voucher. The size of the download was about 225 MB! I had to wait about 2 hours to download. AND IT CRASHED ! TWICE! I'm not sure if it was my connection or not, but the Apple server was timing out.

2.) Installing the update. IT CRASHED WITH A GENERIC ERROR! I was petrified from fear that my new toy was destroyed. But thankfully every time you connect to iTunes, a backup is been performed automatically. So I was able to revert back and try again. Second time lucky. But Apple should have been more careful about things like that. A generic error report is absolutely no help what so ever.

3.) After the update to version 2 I was able to download and install some applications. To tell you the truth there are some gems out there, and others, well let say they need some more polish. Installation was easy and quick. Most of the files are less than 5 MB (The free ones. The ones you buy they might be that size). No problems here.

4.) Itunes. Well it's a piece of software that you will love to hate. I really do not like it. Yes OK it's sync very easy with your iPod, backs it up etc, but you can use your iPod only with 5 authenticated computers. Each time you connected to one you need to authenticate that computer if you want to do something meaningful with your toy. And if you are one of the people that reformat their hard drives quite often, then remember this: UN-AUTHANTICATE BEFORE REFORMAT. That way you retain the “tokens” to use again. LAME! Why is that? Are Apple getting a leaf out of M$ book how to be obnoxious and idiotic? What they don't listen to any of the news? I hate to break the news but people, they want FREEDOM (Que a very famous blue painted actor barging in with a long sword) when it comes to their computers. And if you have two computers and connect the iPod in both, only one of the two will sync at any time with it. One will overwrite the contents of it at any sync. From the other point of view its back up facility did save my iPod.......

5.) NO BLUETOOTH? N-O B-L-U-E-T-O-O-T-H???? WTH? ARE YOU INSANE? ARE YOU LIVING IN A CAVE? WOKE UP ONE MORNING AND YOU HEAD WAS THE OTHER WAY? WHAT'S GOING ON? Well yes iPod touch does not have bluetooth. My last PDA from HP had it. My previous from Pilot had at least infrared. The iPod doesn't have it? That, to my humble opinion is crap! Why? Wifi is NOT always something you want to use. I am missing out in all those things that my PDA was allowing me to do. Foldable keyboard, wireless headphones, BLUETOOTH PRINTNG god damn it! We can't ALL have a wireless network that includes a printer too. And that means you can't exchange ANYTHING with friends. Nope! Forget it son, you are alone. Even the Zune was doing that. (The ony good thing I guess). Shame. Oh well maybe NEXT model? Hmmmmm I see a re-occuring pattern here. The apple looks like more and more with a half-opened window........Hmmmm.

6.) Battery. Well in the tradition of Apple, the battery is NOT user replaceable. And it will cost you extra to take it for a replacement. Well to some people that would be OK, if you don't want to bother, to others will not. If you live away from a dedicated Apple centre then good luck to you my friend. Enjoy your new toy. Oh and by the way. Good luck to me too! Battery life is descent, didn't actually measured it, but I did a recharge after three days while the player was going in sleep mode and playing mp3s and movies every few hours. I only once shut it down to see how that feels like. Having the wifi on lasted for about a day or so.

7.) Using Safari. It's a pleasure to surf with it. The screen renders so nice that I was able to see details in words ever with such small scale. But unfortunately no FLASH support. It's a pity because more and more sites are using flash to present information. Some site are just a big flash covering the whole screen. Maybe next version will support flash.

8.) After a restart I got something very funny. All of a sudden I got NO WIFI as a indication under the settings? WTH? Were is my bloody Wifi? I had to restart for the wifi to come on again! Talking about similarities with Windows. SCARY! The thought is still haunts me right now and I'm going to double check. (After a minute or so......) It's there. Pheeeeewwww. That's a relief.

9.) Design. It's top class. Very user friendly and the Aqua-like interface (that reminds me a song that I saw in YouTube. Go and see it. I think it's called Mac VS Pc. Lots of fun.) is very crisp and clear. That's why I transformed my Linux interface to look like the leopard. LOL. Seriously it's a very lovely thing to look at. Silver backing with glass top. Excellent.

10.) Extras. Can you spell “We-will-grab-your-backside-and squeeze-out-of-you-the-last-nickel-you've-got”? Yep nothing but the basics comes with it. Even the recharger you have to buy. I really hate to turn on the computer to recharge it. And NO I WILL NOT spend more money for something that everybody else includes. Well I guess they have to make money from somewhere. I mean the price of the iPod it's a steal.(For those you don't get me by now, I'M BEEN SARCASTIC!). On the other hand they have a truck-load of accessories, some ugly as hell, some very good (especially from top companies like Bose and Altec Lansing).

11.) Push email. Well it does that too. Just as long as you are in a free Wifi area. If you are not then WHAT PUSH EMAIL? Go and buy the iPhone then, and leave us alone. I tried with a gmail account and it worked excellent. You can even connect with an Exchange account. Haven't try that yet. Ohh and a small secret. If you have problems syncing your Outlook contacts, as I did, upgrade you iTunes software to the latest version. It will fix the problem.

12.) Audio. Video. Well I'm not a audio Engineer, so I can say that the sound, emmm well for a lack of a better word, sounds nice. Same for the video too. Crisp and clear, just as long you have done a good encoding of your video. Supplied earphone are OK nothing great here. Oh and something that was puzzling me for a bit. The iPod DOESN'T have speakers. It has one just for the beeps and blips of system sounds. Nothing else. No external audio at all. If you need something to listen your music, buy one of the over-priced docks available. Most of them will recharge your iPod too.

All and all the iPod touch is a great new toy to enjoy your music, video and, ahem, portable lifestyle. Don't get fooled though. It's over hyped for it's abilities. For it to be 100% as the marketing department says you need your own wireless network connected to your body AT ALL TIMES. It's not definite 100% value but, if Apple listens (here to hope I guess) it will. Just like my EeePC I would buy one more if I had the money.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Connecting to an Access database and retrieving values

When I first started programming one thing that I needed to do was to be able to connect to a Access database. Yes sure there are other free databases but I was experienced on that so it was a very easy decision to make.

BUT, for the life of me all the programming books that we were given at school, college etc (substitute with your tertiary institute of choice) were plain to say the list. The Internet wasn’t helping a lot to some point that I needed clarification. Some times it was taking me weeks to find something.

Other times the explanation and the ways to do it where, although the “proper ones” too difficult for me as a newbie to understand. (Yes thick as a brick, I know!)

And at the end I was able to put all the pieces together and I had a working model easy to implement. And very proudly I can presented it here for everyone wanting to copy it. I would like to thank all the people that posted messages in all the technical forums. This is my way to giving back. Thank you.

Reading some values from the database

Include needed:
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb

Controls needed:

ConnectionString for OleBdConnection1:

Jet OLEDB:Global Partial Bulk Ops=2;Jet OLEDB:Registry Path=;Jet OLEDB:Database Locking Mode=1;Data Source="c:\databaseName.mdb";Mode=Share Deny None;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=5;Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0";Jet OLEDB:System database=;Jet OLEDB:SFP=False;persist security info=False;Extended Properties=;Jet OLEDB:Compact Without Replica Repair=False;Jet OLEDB:Encrypt Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Create System Database=False;Jet OLEDB:Don't Copy Locale on Compact=False;User ID=Admin;Jet OLEDB:Global Bulk Transactions=1

C:\databaseName.mdb The name of the file containing the database.

The connection DOESN’T use any password protection or other security measures and everybody can write or delete from it.

TblInfo: The name of the table in the database.
SQLString: The string that will contain the SQL command.

The following code takes data from a database with 6 columns (0 to 5) and reads ONLY the values 0 (column 1) and 5 (column 5), being the name of a user (the former) and the date of employment (the later).


Dim dateOfEmpl As String
Dim userName, SQLString As String
Dim dateOfEmpl As Date

set up the connection data
Dim strConnection As String = OleDbConnection1.ConnectionString
Dim connect As New OleDbConnection(strConnection)
Select ALL VALUES from the Database in the ConnectionString, from the table TblInfo and sort them out by Name in asceenting orderSQLString = "SELECT * FROM TblInfo ORDER BY Name ASC"
Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand(SQLString, connect)

open the connection
Dim reader As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
read the data
Do While reader.Read()
userName = reader(0)
dateOfEmpl = reader(5)
'close the connection when there is nothing else to read reader.Close()
Catch MyError As Exception
MsgBox(MyError.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
End Try

With this code it’s easy after to expand to further usage. For example you can add the data into a list box as follows:

While reader.Read()
End While

And that’s it. Hope you find it helpful.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Run an application from a VB.NET program

Ahhhhh, today I'm a bit bored so I thought to my self why not post a small module for VB.NET that will run an application from within a Visual Basic program.

Ok, you may say "bigggggg deeeallll!!", but hey I'm bored. So here it is:


Module modRunMe
Dim myProcess As System.Diagnostics.Process = New System.Diagnostics.Process
Public Sub RunMe(ByVal fileName As String)
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = fileName
myProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error")
End Try
End Sub
End Module


You can call it like this:

RunMe("c:\temp\TheTestPdfFile.PDF"). And it will run the PDF file or any file that you want (just as long as there is a program associated with it).

If you find it useful let me know, and you never know I might upload more code. AHAHHAHAHAHAH (sound of crackling thunder on the background)


WOW! I got 4 comments for my win stack blog. That's amazing. Thank you for your kind words (and yes you too Mr.Window-fanatic). I'll keep trying to update my blog with solutions to exotic errors as soon as I encounter them (and then shoot them and hang their heads above my mantlepiece.)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

AutoCAD 2008 LT slow pull down menus

I had to see this to believe it. AutoCAD 2008 LT had a weird problem when a user on a particular computer was clicking any of the pull down menus. It was taking like 1 minute to expand it.

“For crying out loud”, I thought, “what next? What else will make my life difficult?”. It seemed that Autodesk brings out every year a bit more crappier and buggy programs. I had to solve this one too. And it wasn’t easy let me tell you. I had my user nagging me to death over it! I couldn’t take it any longer!

But suddenly……. a post in one of the Autodesk forums (not for the LT version) helped me out. I needed to do the following:

1) go to the directory that the executable was (eg acadlt.exe)

2) Open notepad and create an empty file called acadlt.dll (the same name as the executable but with the .dll at the end.) For those who do not know how to create an empty file with different extension with notepad, don’t type anything and enclose your file name with “acadlt.dll”

Apparently sometimes AutoCAD needs to read that file FIRST before revert to the normal file that contains some-short-of-information-about-the-pull-down-menus (AKA I can't remember the technical specs).

3) Save it.

And voila! After a restart of AutoCAD, the annoying error went away. God damn it! A great thank you to all the people that take time to contribute in the Autodesk forums. Thank you for saving my mental health. (I saw you there, stop saying “which mental health” YOU ARE NOT HELPING!)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unable to initialize windows sockets interface, error code 10107

I was called the other day to have a look at a computer that couldn’t go online. I thought “probably something small”. Yeah! RIGHT! On Vista? HA! So I go there. I have a look. User log on was taking minutes, welcome screen more. No IP address. No DNS server. What the hell? I had never seen something like this.

Kaspersky wasn’t working. It was complaining that some components couldn’t run. “Ok”, I thought, “let’s disable some Vista settings not needed. Maybe that will live things up a bit because the computer is ‘flowing’ like honey on sand; not at all!”.

I open up Services and disable the worst ‘evil doer of delays’ the Windows Indexing. As I was moving up and down on the list of services, trying to figure what else I can kill, I saw DHCP service stuck on ‘Starting’. “Wait a second”, I said to myself (yes I talk to me. We have the greatest conversations this way. Full of zest and intelligence. Anyyywayyyys), “that’s not right. Why is this taking so long to start? Isn’t DHCP a service that assigns an IP address from the server? Maybe that’s the reason why. Ok let’s hit Google for answers”.

Unfortunately there was NONE to be found for Vista. It was like Micro$oft didn’t want to give MORE evidence of their crap OS. I was getting angry and frustrated. I had the user asking me every 5 seconds if I can fix it? Why the damn thing is not working? I tried ipconfig /all. Media disconnected. Ipconfig /renew. Media disconnected. Nothing. I was getting even more angry in the point to just format the damn thing and put Linux in it.

All my tries with the Windows repair suggestions were getting to the same result. Nothing. But as M$ is putting it: “It seems that there is still an error with your connection. Please contact your System Administrator”. In other words “Piss off and leave us alone. Find your solution yourselves.”

But I would not get defeated. I will get to the bottom of this. As I was searching the internet, I stumble across in an article about repairing the winsock. I found some helpful commands that I run straight away:

Sfc /scannow

The command found some errors and repaired them. But at the end the connection wasn’t up still. So I tried the next command:

Netsh winsock reset

After a short run the TCPIP stack was repaired and I could see a connection again. I was overjoyed. My user was happy too. I can’t understand why M$ couldn’t add that simple command into their Automatic repairing crap that they have??? I will never find out (NOR I CARE!)

I would like to thank all those people that contributed to the technical forums that helped me fix this error and moved my knowledge, on the mystic arts of fixing Vista problems, on step further. I bow to you. Thank you.

Monday, June 30, 2008

ASUS eeePC 701

I have been using this small laptop for over 3 months now and I can say it’s a very nice piece of hardware. I can pop it in any bag an off I go. So without any more delays here is my review.

It’s plastic, but of good quality. My only grief is the plastic area around the Ethernet port. When I remove the cable from the port, the plastic tends to move outwards. I’m afraid in a violent movement it will brake. The hinges are top knots. I haven’t seen such good hinges in bigger laptops.

Speakerphone/Microphone ports:
The speakerphone port was giving me heaps of problems. If I put my headphone with the L shaped connector at the end, it need lots of pulling strength to come out, and this is a worrying matter.

Inbuilt speakers:
Located on the side of the screen there are not the most fantastic ones (what did people expected? Honestly now!) but they do their work ok. I wouldn’t use them to light up a party though.

It’s 7 inches. With 2 resolution modes. I have read a lot of criticism in technical magazines in regards how bad some Internet sites are looking and so on. Yes it’s true, you need to pan around a lot, buuuuuuuuut after a while you do get used to it and it doesn’t feels that much of a strain. I have find more of a nuisance that I can’t have the task bar on screen all the time. To make things better I have the bar on autohide and installed the excellent software RocketDock from PunkSoftware to give me the ability to clean up my desktop and have my most used shortcuts close.

The quality of the screen is very good, but it does gets tiring for the eyes after couple of hours.

The keyboard is very plasticy and the weakest link on the laptop. The keys, again despite what technical magazines say, you can tough type if your hands are not of considerable size, aka tennis rackets. The only problem is that sometimes the keys are not responsive to hits resulting misspelled words. This is definitely something that ASUS needs to work on. A somewhat better quality keyboard it would very good.

The mouse that comes with the laptop is a wired optical. Quality is OK and the keys responsive. Nothing amazing but it does its job.

Hard drive:
Well it doesn’t have a mechanical HDD but a Solid State Disk. That has the advantage in case of drop that it will not scratch the platters. But on the other hand it doesn’t have enough storage (8 GB) and it’s welded on the motherboard so if there is any problem you can’t change it for something else. Speeds are not breaking any record. I wish it was a mechanical one. Anything better than this. Although the SD card reader (High Capacity one) gives you a bit of breathing space.

If you have the Windows version, like I do, it’s a good idea to install all programs to the SD card. This way you can back it up in an external HDD or flash drive and when the new 32 GB cards became cheaper to copy everything there. Presto! Instant expansion of space.

With wireless on about couple of hours. Nothing different than any entry-level laptop at this time in the market.

Power brick:This is the BEST power brick I have seen EVER in a laptop. It’s small, with long cable and weights less than anything I have seen. If all laptops had a power brick as this we would all be much happier. Points to ASUS for this. And it comes in white too.

The first try of ASUS to the ultra portable laptops has been a bulls eye. If ASUS fixes some small niggles with the 900, they have a big chance to continue be number one in the entry ultra portable laptops this year also. If someone asked me if I would buy again, I would say YES. Definitely!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Linux vs Vista

Vista. Ahhhh. The promise of a OS that would have changed our way of computing. Start me up and the WOW starts now.

I’m still waiting for the WOW. It’s more like ARGGGG! (Imaging a red face with steam coming out of the ears). I can’t understand what in the hell all those experts are seeing as revolutionary!!!!
Ok Vista maybe more secure, but I don’t know anyone running Vista as a “factory-settings” machine. Everybody (well almost) have a third party software for antivirus (proper that is, looking at you OneCare, or should I say OneCrap), a firewall that gives a bit of a feedback and an anti-spyware software.

In the resend months when the company I work buys PC they come with Vista. The problems that I had to solve are raging from the most idiotic (5 mins for some MB of copy? FIVE MINUTES??!?!?!?), to the most extreme ones, like programs crashing at start up with no errors at all.

Yes you might tell me about SP1 and missing drivers and such. I will tell you the following. I applied SP1, the copy still SUCKS, and as for the programs, there are from a BIG company and a version that was made AFTER the Vista launch. The conclusions are yours.

And I had to disable the AutoTuning function of Vista because it was playing havoc with the network. Here are the commands for those that may need them:

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

And the shutting down? 15 minutes? FIFTHEEN? What is the blazes? Who was stupid enough to give the tick of approval, from a Quality Assurance point of view, that 15 minutes are acceptable and progress the user’s experience with an OS? Starting up is OK I guess, but shutting down?

And how about those laptops that you will find in specials all around the world with the Vista Home Basic installed? Trying to run Vista, even the Home Basic one, in a laptop couple of years old is akin to pulling my nails out. And enjoying it. While I deep in hot lava. Hmmm tasty!

Well there are some things in Vista that are passable. The interface for one. Great graphics and crisp. (Although a cover doesn’t make a book if you know what I mean.). And the UAC. A lot of criticism has come about that feature. Lets not forget that Linux does the same and no-one complains. It’s not a bad feature and I’m 100% behind it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, Microsoft should get the hint from Linux and asks about Admin rights ONLY ONCE. After the second time I want to through the PC out of the window.

As time goes by I see a lot of other problems arising, that the MS people should have thought. Older programs don’t run? Why? Who are you Mr Brain-in-the-department-of-new-OS in Microsoft that will dictate to me which program I can use? If a program that I pay for it three years ago does what I want then you should have though of something like, I don’t know…virtualization maybe for older programs?. OH NO SHOCK HORROR!! How can I think so ADVANCED!! Wait a second.. AAAAA now I get it. That’s why Windows 7 will include it as default. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Extra cash to be made? Wink-Wink! And NO virtual Pc 2007 still sucks. You need to have license for an older OS to use it. More money to spend huh? Idiots!

By the way I would like to make a mention on a great piece of software that I found yesterday in my search for something BETTER than VPC 2007. It’s called VirtualBox and it’s from Sun. Here’s the link:

Well done to all people that made this program. Excellent job.

That’s why I love Linux. . I don’t mean the let’s-get-married-right-now-love but the love to a maturing OS. A love to an idea that lets everybody uses THEIR computers as they see fit and work as THEY see fit. Not as a big company THINKS how they want to work.

I started with Red Hat 5 and finally reached the Ubuntu 8.04. During the journey I got upset, angry, vowed never to use Linux again, felt comfortable, amazed and finally impatient for the new version.

I have installed it in numerous computers with different specs every time, and I can say I had minimal troubles. The only troubles I keep on having is with the Compiz because of NVIDIA.

Let me tell you the easiest OS is the one based on Ubuntu, Mint Linux, Ubuntu etc. Perfect. I tried Mandriva, had tons of problems with the Compiz and Emelarld. Tried KDE 4. Didn’t like it. I think the widgets are OK but the implementation is leaving a bitter taste to the mouth. Maybe KDE 4.1 will be better.

By the way the Compiz 3D effects rips Vista in millions of tiny specs of dust. I like the Vista interface like I said, but boy talking about embarrassment from Microsoft when they tried to play down Compiz. Ok little boy try again in version 7. Run along now. Good boy!

With one OS I can get ALREADY packaged into the DVD all the programs that I need to start in an office environment. Ok some programs that you can’t live without maybe a bit more difficult to port (if Wine is not working on them), but maybe some day when Linux picks up more steam the big software companies might consider porting them even if it doesn’t fit into the GPL licensing scheme.

In this point please allow me a mention to XARA Extreme as an example. A very good software that came from a company that makes software for Windows and sells them, and it’s free. Give it a try if you are in the field of arts. Link:

What am I going to do with my computer? Hmmm tough question. I love my games, so I can’t not go to Linux straight up. But if I was to set up a new office for someone it would have been Linux ALL THE WAY.

The penguin is here to stay. Learn to live with it.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The first Contact

And here we are. First post. This is a blog that I will use to enrich the world with my opinion of stuff happening around the world of IT and things that pissing me off.

So without any further delay, I welcome you into my blog.

Oh and yes....Expect a healthy dose of cynicism.