Wednesday, August 18, 2010

windows cannot connect to the printer.operation could not be completed (error 0x0000000d)

I had a shocking of a problem the other day with two machines. One XP running a shared printer and one with Vista. The Vista couldn't finish communicating with the printer on the XP machine and it was crashing with hips of errors (Printer spooler not working, Error 0000 something etc).

I was on my end of the rope when i stumbled upon this web site

I downloaded the file and run it on the Vista machine. It failed at the start because the program was made for earliest versions of Win NT. BUT....I opened the properties of the .exe and set the combatibility to XP SP2. It runned like a charm.

I accepted ALL the deletions of printers, monitors, drivers etc that the program found and after a quick reboot i was able to connect to the shared printer and install it localy. Beauty!

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